How to Check Your Engine Oil
Photo by Gustavo Fring under Pexels License
5 Easy Steps to Keeping Your Car Running Smoothly
Did you know that it doesn’t take much to keep your car healthy and running smoothly? Checking its oil level is a one-minute investment that can help prevent overheating while keeping your engine well-lubricated and free from dirt buildup. If you do this regularly, you can be sure that you’ll get the most miles out of your engine.
Most vehicle models should have an oil change every 3,000 miles or three months. In between these scheduled changes, you have to check your oil levels to make sure that the oil isn’t dirty or that it hasn’t become too low. Don’t worry — the process of checking your car’s engine oil is far from being complicated. Any driver can do it.
How to Check Your Engine Oil
In case you’re not aware, the lifeblood of your vehicle’s engine is its motor oil. Aside from keeping the engine’s internal moving parts properly lubricated, it also keeps each of these parts from wearing quickly. If you don’t know the first thing about checking your engine oil, Goodwill Car Donations has got you covered. Just follow these five easy steps:
- Read the vehicle owner’s manual.
It’s best to browse through your car owner’s manual to make sure that you’re following the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you’re clueless about what’s under the hood of your car, you’ll be glad to know that the manual provides a detailed description of where you can locate your dipstick.
- Warm up your car before checking the oil.
Check your oil after warming up your car. Go for a quick drive around your neighborhood before you pop up the hood. Just make sure that you turn the engine off before you check the oil. It’s extremely important to securely prop the hood once it’s opened.
- Find the dipstick and pull it out.
You’ll want to check the oil after you’ve turned off the engine for at least 10 minutes. Your oil’s dipstick location will depend on whether your car has an in-line engine or a transverse engine. In most cases, the dipstick has an orange or yellow circular handle.
Once you’ve spotted the dipstick, pull out its handle. You should see a long piece of metal sliding out of the engine. Use a lint-free rag to wipe off the oil from its end.
- Slide the clean dipstick back in.
Reinsert the dipstick back into its tube. Be sure to push it all the way back in.
- Pull the dipstick out again and inspect.
Next, you need to pull it out again. Take note of how high the film of oil reaches the length of the dipstick. Don’t forget to check the oil’s condition before adding or changing oil as needed. You should see a line marked “full” or “max” or a textured area that shows the capacity of your oil pan.
Everything’s fine if the color of your engine oil is brown or black. If the oil has a milky appearance, this means that your car’s coolant is leaking into the engine. Be sure to have it towed immediately. On the other hand, if the oil is gritty or has metal particles in it, be sure to get your car to the mechanic. This could mean that the internal parts of your engine are damaged.
Here’s Your Best Option When Disposing Of a Clunker
Is your car spending more time in the repair shop than on the road? Is it starting to burn a hole in your pocket because of its costly repairs? If that’s the case, it’s probably time to say goodbye to your old ride. Your best option here is to donate that vehicle to us at Goodwill Car Donations.
This way, you’ll free yourself from the stress of dealing with a clapped-out vehicle. Not only that, but you’ll also get to help the impoverished and disadvantaged people in your community. These are the men and women living among you who are burdened with disabilities, lack of education, job experience, or essential skills, and other disadvantages that serve as roadblocks in their pursuit of a productive and meaningful life.
We will put your vehicle up for auction and turn over the proceeds to the Goodwill organizations serving your local area. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding from vehicle donations to provide their beneficiaries with job training, employment opportunities, scholarships, livelihood assistance, disability benefits, and other critical community-building support services.
As a Goodwill donor, you’ll enjoy meaningful returns for your generosity. These include the free towing of your unwanted vehicle and your entitlement to the highest possible tax deduction due to you in the next tax season.
Moreover, nothing compares to the joy and satisfaction you’d feel, knowing that your charitable contribution will greatly benefit your community in terms of the jobs that it will create for the empowerment of your less fortunate fellow residents.
We accept nearly all types of vehicles whether they’re still in good condition or no longer. We can pick up and tow your vehicle wherever you had it parked or stored anywhere in the country.
To get to know our quick and easy vehicle donation process and other details, just visit our FAQs page. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may call our toll-free hotline at 866-233-8586. You may also write to us here.

Uplift Lives with Your Beater Today!
Use your old and unwanted car to uplift the lives of the disadvantaged individuals in your community. Don’t let it rot away. It can still do so much good to a lot of people. Call Goodwill Car Donations at 866-233-8586 or fill out our online donation form now!
Last Updated: May 26th, 2023