How Summer Temperatures Affect Your Car’s Belts and Hoses
Photo by Hebert Santos under Pexels License
Know How to Identify a Failing Belt or Hose!
Sunny days will soon be here, and many people are already looking forward to long drives to their favorite summer destinations. Unfortunately, many hit the road without checking their car’s belts and hoses. As temperatures rise, these critical components could break, leading to an overheated radiator.
Although various reasons could cause a car’s radiator to overheat, broken belts and hoses take the top spot during summer. If left unchecked, this could cause severe and costly damage to your vehicle.
How Heat Affects Your Car’s Hoses and Belts
The belts and hoses in a car serve different purposes. Belts, including the serpentine belt, are responsible for driving multiple engine components, such as the power steering pump, water pump, and alternator. Hoses, which include coolant hoses, transport coolant and oil throughout the engine.
Since belts and hoses are made from a rubber material, they’re vulnerable to heat. Rising temperatures can cause them to turn soft and flexible until they expand. With prolonged exposure to the summer heat, these structures develop cracks, bubbles, and blisters that weaken the affected areas and speed up wear and tear. In such cases, it’s best to replace them before it’s too late.
Signs Your Hoses and Belts Are Failing
Belts and hoses get worn out over time, but some may experience premature damage due to a lack of maintenance, especially in summer. The good news is that identifying a failing belt or hose isn’t rocket science. Goodwill Car Donations shares the following pointers to help you do just that:
- Belts
Newer car models use serpentine belts, while older car models use V-belts. If you’re driving a modern vehicle that uses a serpentine belt, you’ll want to check for cracks and frayed threads on it. A worn-out V-belt will also show splits or develop cracks.
Another way to determine a failing belt is by looking at the vehicle’s mileage. Belts usually start failing between 50,000 to 80,000 kilometers. If your vehicle has reached that limit, consider replacing your belt.
- Hoses
When checking the hoses, squeeze the part near the clamp where electrochemical degradation usually occurs. It should feel firm and pliable. A damaged or worn-out belt is soft and mushy or sticks when you pinch it.
Cracking in the hoses is also a sign of wear and tear. If left unaddressed, cracking can lead to bursting and overheating. You’ll also want to replace swollen or damaged hoses that supply fluid to the brakes and steering wheel. It’s also best to schedule bi-annual maintenance checks, once before winter, and again before summer.
Ready to Dispose of an Unwanted Vehicle?
Replacing failing belts and hoses ensures a safe and comfortable ride. However, if your car has more problems than defective belts and hoses, if such problems persist despite the numerous costly repairs of that vehicle, do the right thing: Get rid of that clunker and buy a new car!
Consider donating that old vehicle to us at Goodwill Car Donations so we can put it to good use. We’ll turn your donation into a vital source of support for the disadvantaged and struggling residents of your local community.
Our team will have your car auctioned off, with the proceeds used to support the life-enhancement programs and services being delivered by the Goodwill organizations in your area. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits cater to disadvantaged Americans — those who are burdened with disabilities, lack of education, job experience, or essential skills, and other limiting personal issues, such as having a welfare mentality and past criminal records.
Your local Goodwill organizations use the funding they get from us to provide their beneficiaries with job and skills training, employment opportunities, scholarships, livelihood assistance, disability benefits, family support, educational services, financial assistance, and many other essential support services.
Donating to us is easy and convenient. You’ll be doing it in the comfort of your home. Making a Goodwill car donation means a hassle-free experience that’s free of paperwork, complicated steps, and unnecessary requirements.
Moreover, your charitable contribution will entitle you to receive surprisingly useful perks, such as getting our free towing service and the maximum tax deduction that you can claim in the next tax season.
Best of all, you’ll find great satisfaction in doing something that will benefit your entire community when once idle members attain financial stability and start living productive and fulfilling lives, thanks to your donation.
We accept a wide range of vehicle types. Feel free to hand over your unwanted vehicle to us regardless of its age or condition. We even take vehicles that don’t run or start anymore.
If you’re interested to know more about our vehicle donation program and the rewards awaiting you, head over to our FAQs page. You can also give us a ring at 866-233-8586 or leave us a message here for any concerns or questions that you may have.

Use Your Old Car to Help the Needy Today!
Is it time to retire your old beater? Donate it to us today to create a bright future for the needy folks in your community. Call Goodwill Car Donations at 866-233-8586 or fill out our secure online donation form now!
Last Updated: June 23rd, 2023