Fall Boat Storage Ideas
Photo by SKY-TOM under Pixabay License
Fall Boat Storage Ideas: How to Keep Your Boat in Tip-Top Shape
Summer has finally come to an end. You have already created beautiful memories with your lovely boat. However, everything inevitably has to come to an end. The best thing you can do for your boat is to store it properly so that you can use it again for the next summer.
Types of Boat Storage
There are two ways of storing a boat: indoor or outdoor.
Indoor boat storage – Indoor boat storage units provide additional protection for your boat. Putting your boat outdoors can hurt the hull, motor, and other systems of your boat. Indoor storage provides more protection, allowing your boat to last longer and operate better. Though it may be more expensive, it can save you plenty of money in the long run.
Outdoor boat storage – Outdoor boat storage is cheaper compared to storing a boat indoors. However, it is riskier knowing the conditions that await it outside. When you do store it outdoors, you might want to cover it. An extra added protection won’t hurt, right?
How to Store Your Boat
Properly storing your boat will ensure that it stays in the best condition possible. Storing your boat properly is critical even if it is just for the off-season or after using it. Problems might arise if it’s not done correctly.
The best option to protect your boat is through indoor storage. This way, the temperature and humidity are set. This helps stop freezing and the buildup of excess moisture.
Here are the things you need to do before storing your boat:
- Drain the fuel or run its engine with a fuel stabilizer.
- Make sure that the surrounding is not too humid. You can use charcoal, cat litter, and other things that help absorb moisture. If you really want assurance, you can rent a climate-controlled storage unit.
- Put open boxes of baking soda or desiccant bags around and inside the boat to keep it smelling fresh.
- Make sure the fuel tank is empty.
Preparing Your Boat for the Winter
Getting your boat ready for the winter season is one of the most important things you need to do to lengthen its life. Here are the things you need to do before storing it indoors or outdoors:
- Check your hull for any gelcoat chips, scrapes or gouges. If you see any, fix it right away.
- Clean the motors, exterior, and interior of your boat.
- Remove any electronics to protect it from the harsh environment of winter.
- Drain your engine’s fuel. After cleaning it, add an anti-freeze solution for protection against freezing.
- Keep your boat protected by blanketing it with a well-made cover.

Why Not Just Donate that Old Boat?
Do you have an old boat that you no longer use? How about an old car, motorcycle, SUV, or RV? We can easily relieve you of the burden of keeping and maintaining them by simply calling us and donating them to us at Goodwill Car Donations.
You don’t have to do anything except call us or fill out our online donation form. We will then take care of everything, including the processing of all required documents. We will send a professional towing crew to wherever your boat is located and tow it at no cost to you. We will place it in an auction house in our network where we will exert our best effort to sell it at its highest possible price based on its fair market value. This way, you’ll get a maximized tax deduction.
Once your boat or car is sold, we will send you by mail your 100-percent tax-deductible sales receipt. You can then claim the amount printed on the receipt as your tax deduction when you file your itemized federal income tax return for the incoming tax-filing season.
We will use the proceeds from the sale of your donated vehicle to support the Goodwill nonprofit organizations serving your area. These organizations cater to disabled and other disadvantaged individuals in various communities, providing those who want to improve their lives with job training, employment services, and other critical community-building support. We equipped them with the right set of skills and knowledge that empower them to find decent employment, enabling them to support themselves and their family.
Hence, your boat donation will go a long in enhancing the quality of life of the less fortunate people living in your community.
To know more about Goodwill Car Donations, our fast, easy, and convenient donation process, the top tax deduction and other rewards you’ll get for your charitable contribution, the types of vehicles you can donate, and other important details, check out our FAQ and About Us pages. For inquiries, give us a call at our toll-free 24/7 hotline 866-233-8586 or contact us online.
For the Good of All
As you consider fall boat storage ideas, you may come to the conclusion that it would be for the good of all if you simply donate that boat to us. That is a great idea, indeed! Call us at 866-233-8586 and make your boat donation now!
Last Updated: March 9th, 2023