UPDATE: Goodwill Car Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Call 866-233-8586 to schedule an unattended FREE pickup. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Car Donations, please click here.

5 Essential Skills You Can Get Through Digital Literacy in Adult Education

You Need These Competencies to Succeed in the Digital Age | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Jules Amé under Pexels License

You Need These Competencies to Succeed in the Digital Age

Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace. Along with it, learners need to adapt as quickly as possible as new tools come out.

Unfortunately, being techno-savvy is not a strong suit for many adult learners, particularly the much older ones. They are unfamiliar with how social media, digital tools, and online systems work. This puts them at a disadvantage when seeking employment opportunities, which are becoming more competitive by the day.

Digital literacy is an important part of adult education. It is one of the key competencies underscored in the U.S. Department of Education’s Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) initiative.

Skills Developed Through Digital Literacy in Adult Education

Digital literacy in adult education is not limited to developing the computer skills of learners. Rather, it encompasses skills that are needed in using technology to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information. It also seeks to inculcate the responsible use of technology among users and promote digital citizenship, which is the ability to navigate digital environments in a way that’s safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these environments.

Goodwill Car Donations shares five essential skills that learners get to develop through digital literacy in adult education:

  1. Basic computer skills

To survive the digital jungle, learners need to be equipped with the basic knowledge of operating computers and digital devices to accomplish simple tasks. Digital literacy programs orient them on basic functions such as how to use the internet, send and receive emails, search websites, and create digital calendars.

  1. Network literacy

Learners need to understand how to source, curate, and connect information collected from various online sources and how to learn from them. Through digital literacy programs, learners are taught how to navigate social media channels and other websites and master the art of sourcing and disseminating information.

  1. Digital problem-solving

Digital literacy programs teach learners the ability to navigate and use various digital resources to accomplish specific goals across domains. These are goals for work, personal interests, educational pursuits, social and professional networking, and civic participation among others. The challenge for learners is how to use digital technology to process, assess, and communicate with others to find a solution.

  1. Information literacy

Rather than simply seeking information, digital literacy programs require learners to develop information literacy so they can properly disseminate information to the masses through multiple digital platforms. This makes information more accessible to more people through technology.

  1. Media literacy

Learners are taught media literacy. This does not only pertain to finding and evaluating content from media sources and communicating the same to the people. Media literacy also encompasses the production of information through the use of digital media to produce content.

How You Can Help Your Disadvantaged Neighbors

Digital literacy is a competency that’s out of reach to many disadvantaged people in our country. This is mainly due to their lack of education, which is one of the burdens they carry throughout their lives. Others are saddled with disabilities, lack of skills and job experience as well as other personal hindrances such as being welfare-dependent and having past prison records. These disadvantages make it difficult for them to find decent sources of income to free themselves from poverty.

You can help turn their lives around by simply donating a car you no longer need or want to us at Goodwill Car Donations. We’ll use it to empower the disadvantaged and impoverished people in your community so they can live productive and fulfilling lives.

Our team will have your car auctioned off, with the proceeds going to the Goodwill organizations serving your area. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding they get from us to provide their beneficiaries with job and skills training, employment opportunities, scholarships, livelihood assistance, disability benefits, family support, educational services, financial assistance, and many other essential support services.

Donating to Goodwill Car Donations is not only easy and hassle-free, but it’s super rewarding, too. Your gift will entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. You will also benefit from our free towing service, which you can get wherever you are in the country.

Best of all, your act of charity will bring you an immense sense of personal satisfaction. Thanks to your gift, your community will be seeing more productive individuals and contented families. You’ll be amazed to discover how your unneeded car can transform so many lives.

We accept nearly all types of vehicles regardless of their conditions. You can donate even a damaged or non-working car.

To get to know our simple and convenient vehicle donation process and other relevant information, visit our FAQs page. For your questions and concerns, call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-233-8586 or leave us a message here.

Transform Lives with Your Vehicle Donation Today | Goodwill Car Donations Photo by Merve Şahin under Pexels License

Transform Lives with Your Vehicle Donation Today!

You surely can do something to help transform the lives of the disadvantaged residents of your community. Empower them with your car donation. Call Goodwill Car Donations at 866-233-8586 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 19th, 2023